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Children and Smart-phones: The good and bad of the terrific advanced ‘gen z’ in 2021?


Most children of 2021 of the middle to upper classes of society have access to smart phones. In every family, we hear that the little six year old knows how to handle cell phones, open apps like YouTube and Whatsapp, different games, and even scroll through their parents’ Facebook homefeeds!


This may be surprising for the 90s kid, but we notice that it is quite a trend these days! Not only kids, but the global apps and websites are creating child-friendly content and advertisements, and using the trend to its advantage. While it does prepare the young ones to be technologically capable for their future, it does have detrimental effects on not only their health, but their childhood, in general.

Here are a few positive and negative aspects of smart-phones on children:

Children being prepared for a technology based future

Already, colleges are difficult to get through without laptops and phones. The age of ‘class-groups’ on social media apps are the new notice boards, where most of the academic information circulates. Besides, books are in pdfs, shared online. The internet, is an undeniably helpful platform for academic information- besides the ‘google search’, there are amazing webites that do share interesting academic materials.


Now, with online schools, the little ones, too, need smart phones and computers to avail learning. It is important that the child is aware of the world of technology, in order to secure their future.

Proper Usage is Helpful for Endless Learning!

It is sometimes overstated that the internet is a “dangerous” place for young poeple! With proper guidance, kids can discover a world of interesting digital museums, educative and interesting videos on almost anything, great cartoons and music!

To be exposed to the important things can make the child smarter! While children’s attraction from computer games must be deterred, they could be introduced to new and old information about the enormous ‘global village’ that they must encounter in a few years.

Smartphones have all of this in the form of apps, and are easier to use. Limited time, and well guided children turn out to use the internet for great things of learning, projects, sciences, arts and music!

Times of India

The danger of forgetting the outdoor playground!

We may have noticed, when we visit homes with children, or families with children visit us, they are extremely interested the moment we take our cell-phones out! Most often, they want to have access, or play the first game they find on it! The notion of game may be considerably changing today.

This is unfortunate to witness, even! The young should perhaps be completely stopped from playing games on phones and computers, because they get into the habit of using phones for unimportant things, while the digital world should be a part of their academic life!

Corporate using children as easy targets to increase Profits

We know that many online platforms have a separate site just for children- like Voot Kids and You Tube Kids. These features are perhaps the product of the immense increase in kids’ existence on these sites, which may have adult content otherwise. However, these websites become effective places for targeting children with advertisements of children’s commodities.

This significantly shapes the youth’s minds, who from a very tiny age are categorized as consumers, and thus become a part of the worldwide capitalist project without knowing it.

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Therefore, kids using technology is a great thing, if it is watched over, guided, and encouraged towards the more helpful paths. While the digital divide remains, youngsters of certain classes have considerable been taken over by technology. It is however, important that they be given the right opportunities, an given a chance of making the most of the world around them.

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