Develop the art and taste for reading in 5 steps! Books can be your BEST friend, and only for the better.


Why is reading a great habit to develop?

Have you felt like reading for the sake of reading is extremely boring? Do you wonder why and how people can read hundreds of pages for no examinations or report cards? While some children have the habit of reading from a tender age, some people enter adulthood with no sense of reading at all!

It is important to encourage children to read good books from an early age, and more important to choose print over gadgets! Books and bookmarks are the best gifts for a lot of people!

The world of reading comes with countless perks like:

  • Developing emotions in children
  • Better vocabulary
  • Mental spaces for greater knowledge
  • Developing strong opinions
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Find a theme that you are passionate about!

Interest and passion is a great way to begin exploring a skill. Reading something that interests you, for example, something about a place, history, or music- will help you to develop the skill by actually sitting through the initially (perhaps) difficult days. For example, you can start with books like:

Darjeeling: A History of the World’s Greatest Tea, Jeff Koehler, Bloomsbury, 2019

The Alchemist, by Paolo Coelho, HarperSanFransisco, 1998

Home Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harrari, 2011


Force yourself through the initial pages

When you first begin exploring books as part of your skills, it may be difficult to concentrate and finish a single book at a stretch. It is best to try to finish the book at the minimum numbers of sittings possible. Some people, who have never been in touch with books apart from academic text-books, studying for an examination or grades, may not easily love books as a world of fiction and knowledge immediately.

If it gets boring or you find it difficult to focus for too long, try to force yourself through the initial pages, even if you don’t understand everything. You will eventually get the hang of it! Once you start acquiring the habit, you will enjoy books for the rest of you life, and will probably never again feel alone!

Talk to your friends about the book, or write a review

If you don’t like novels, read short-stories. If you don’t like short stories, try poetry! Go to poetry slams, recitation clubs, or read an excerpt aloud! Once you’re done with a book, try to write a review, or a few lines about what you have learned, what it made you feel, and what were your favorite quotes from it!

Visiting bookstores, glancing at various books, genres, literary movements, and styles of writing is a great way to develop interest in the world of literature. If you are the impatient non-reader, non-fiction would be a good way to start with.

Go for books with updated language, timeless themes

It is best to ask a friend who already is an avid reader for advice. Make a book-list, and don’t waste your time on literature with poor language or biased judgements! Greater themes with a rick language hold will grip you to the book, and inculcate the thirst for knowing more.


Be part of a book-club or form a community!

Reading great books will guide you towards a great club or community being! Discussing the books you are reading, and finding out more about them, the authors, the themes, and other things, will encourage you to develop the skill further, and you will find yourself more interested!


There are many communities on social media too, which discuss and share content on books, reviews, and other discussions that can help you be more involved.

Read More:

3 Benefits Of The Priceless Habit Of Reading Books Before Bedtime (

How to Develop a Reading Habit. 12 tips to help you read more | by Boris Mustapic | Ascent Publication (

Best Ways To Develop Good Reading Habits In Children (