Workplace harassment is a common problem in our country. A survey says 55% employee face workplace molestation in India. And it has different types also. In this article we’re going to discuss and explain 10 types of harassment which employees have to face. And at last there will be the solution too.

All illegal workplace harassment is kind of discrimination. But here in this case biasedness ot discriminatory is described by it’s purpose instead of how it is performed. There are different types of it. Here are some more usual and noticeable type of discriminatory harassment-
• Gender harassment
It’s basically biased way of behaving towards a person based on their gender. It is kind of stereotypical behaving on how a man or woman should be or how they should act according to their gender. This molestation contains things like, unequal payment, or sometimes in any workplace a woman’s point of view is not counted as much important. A male nurse have to go though a lot of biasedness etc
• Racial harassment
Employee may even face racial harassment for their skin color origin or citizenship etc. They becomes victim of racial jokes, racial taunts, insult and degrading comments etc.
• Age based harassment
Workers who are older than 40 or more often face biasness like, get insulted and teased for their age, sometimes get unfairly criticized. These things often push the person into early retirement.
Apart from these there are religion harassment, sexual nature based harassment, harassment based on disabilities etc.

It’s also called workplace violence. Here the victim has to face harassment that involves physical attacks or threats. It includes direct threat any kind of physical attacks like hitting, shoving, kicking. Employees of many profession like teacher, health workers, social service workers have to deal with the dangerous consequences of physical harassment.

Personal harassment includes personal insult, offensive jokes, critical remark, inappropriate comment. Workplace is something too much formal where making jokes on someone’s personal life or criticizing someone’s personal matter is almost a crime.

This problem is mostly faced by women in office or workplaces. In our society where women are treated like objects, it’s quite common to face sexual harassment for them.
This type of harassment includes-
• Inappropriate touch
• Sexual jokes or sexual colored remarks
• Showing pornography
• Demand for sexual favor
It has became an universal issue nowadays which is increasing day by day. But surely women have to deal this harassment most of the time, but it doesn’t means men don’thave to. There are so many cases of men’s sexual harassment also.

It’s a dangerous type of molestation. Where the employee is mentally tortured. It has a negative impact on the individuals emotional health also. Isolating victim’s presence, spreading rumors about that worker, opposing the worker every time are some examples of psychological harassment. In this particular situation victim often lose their self confidence and feels like worthless

This one affects on person’s own self. Unlike other harassment (like biasness, sexual) it is not illegal. Since it is unnoticed it is much damaging and dangerous. Threatening, cursing, insulting the worker in public or private are part of this verbal harassment.

As we discussed about ta terrible side of harassment, now what we need to know is how to stop this-
If you are the employer, train your staff or employee about what harassment is and how to recognize and report it. Or if you are victim of this, make use of resources and report it.