Home India Indian News Moments of happiness for Shivanand Baba: 2022 Padma Shri award

Moments of happiness for Shivanand Baba: 2022 Padma Shri award


Baba bagged Padma Shri award

Shivanand Baba bagged Padma Shri award


126-year-old Shivananda Baba once again has stolen the limelight for being conferred with the prestigious Padma Shri award. The media for the past one week has been inundated with stories of Shivanada Baba’s remarkable life of ups and downs. Earlier, centenarian Baba was in the news for successfully vaccinating both doses of Corona at this age.

baba Courtesy: Daily Good News Today: Yoga is key to his long unbeaten innings in life.

On the evening of last Tuesday (a day before Republic Day), Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced the name of Shivanand Baba. He was among 128 people selected for the Padma award.

Communication for award and its reaction.

A Bengali news portal Notun Khobor said Shivanada was a contemporary of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. He is only five months older than Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. An official of the Ministry of Home Affairs has informed Baba’s close associate ‘Sanjay’ about the conferment of the Padma Shri award to Shivanand Baba. Baba expressed his happiness on knowing it. He has expressed his gratitude to the government. Shivanand says that one should live the usual way in life.

His nature, age and living style

The age of Shivanand is 126, according to the official document.

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Documentation of date of birth courtesy: Hindustan Times: If the date of birth recorded is authentic, it means the centenarian yogi has seen three centuries,19th, 20th, and 21st. But the Hindustan Times, in its online edition, has, however, reported that the passport authority said that they had confirmed Shivanad’s birth record from the temple register. “However, it would be difficult to verify his date of birth independently,” reported Hindustan Times.
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Date of birth documented on Aadhar card: Courtesy: Zee

Sivananda stays miles away from publicity and the glare of the glittering world. Instead, he remains absorbed in solitude in the worship of God. Well versed in Yoga, Shivanand is the second oldest citizen of the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records.

Most importantly, he is in sound health and smoothly leads his life. People close to him say that although he does not consume milk and fruit, his good health is rooted in rock salt mixed with vegetarian food. 

“I avoid taking milk or fruits because I think these are fancy foods. So I slept many days on an empty stomach in my childhood,” said Shivanand to the Hindustan Times in its August 2016 online edition.

Dr. SK Agrawal, the regular physician (Ayurved) of Baba, said limited food and disciplined life make him self-sufficient. Yoga is essential in life. Due to the vegetarian diet, he is entirely healthy,” said Dr. Agrawal. Shivanand goes to sleep by 830pm and wakes up at 3 am. He daily recites Mata Chandi and Bhagavad Gita.

Speaking to a Youtube channel two days ago, Shivanand praised Prime Minister Modi for introducing Yoga. 

“Good decision for practicing yoga,” Baba uttered in English. He also advised people to take oil-free food. “Oil mae bhejal hota hai” (Oil is contaminated), said Baba in a Bengali-dipped accent. 

“When he was six years, he lost both his parents on the same day,” informed his associate Sanjay to a YouTube channel.

The Hindi daily “Hindustan” reported that Shivanand was born on August 8, 1896, in the Silhatti district of Bengal. His parents had passed away due to hunger; since then, Baba has taken a vow to eat only half the stomach, which he is doing. 

After some time, Baba arrived in Kashi from Bengal and became a disciple of Guru Omkarananda here. In 1925, on the orders of his master, he went on a world tour. He has experienced various countries and abroad for about 34 years.

Baba Shivanand is a resident of the Kabir Nagar area of ​​Varanasi.

Succesful Corona Vaccination

Shivanand has got the vaccination for both doses of Corona. When Baba recently reached Varanasi to get the vaccine, the authority asked him to show an Aadhaar card for registration. Everyone was surprised to see his birth on August 8, 1896, on the Aadhar card. Enthusiasm and excitement filled the medical personnel upon seeing his card. Baba had also blessed the health workers after getting the vaccine.

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Shivanand taking Corona second vaccination in Varanasi: Courtesy: Hindustan (Hindi daily)
First vaccination: Courtesy: Hindustan

Padma awards

The Padma Awards are one of the highest civilian honors of India announced annually on the eve of Republic Day. The government gives awards in three categories: Padma Vibhushan (for exceptional and distinguished service), Padma Bhushan (outstanding service of higher-order), and Padma Shri (distinguished service). The award seeks to recognize achievements in all fields of activities or disciplines where an element of public service is involved.

There is an award committee that recommends the Padma award every year. The nomination process is open to the public. Even one can make self-nomination.


Unveil.Press team congratulates the centenarian Yogi Sivananda Baba for his laudable feats and being honored with the country’s highest civilian awards, ‘Padma Shri’. Unveil.Press team wishes him still to go strong at 126. Let the entire nation be inspired and benefit from his simple living style and proficiency in Yoga. Caption: Listen to how centenarian Yogi Sivananda Baba reacted in this video.
