The alarming rise of second Coronavirus wave in nation is well perceptible. The ongoing lockdown in my home state ‘West Bengal’ is now extended to a 2 weeks. Common people today are afraid of the Corona. Their minds are gripped with fear and doubt. That brings to my mind an incident of a year ago during national lock down. The incident still keeps haunting me with a question: Is the Corona virus eroding the human bond of love and compassion!

A person in my neighborhood a year ago during last lockdown falls sick and needed hospitalization. Doctor, after clinical and radiological examination diagnosed him with blockage in the digestive organ and referred him to a bigger hospital in Kolkata for an emergency surgery .

Fear of Coronavirus
Here I was in for shock! No one!: member of his family, his kin, friends or acquaintances—no one came 9forward to his help and offered to escort him to Kolkata. They feared contracting the virus from the hospital and other unknown sources.
The hospital on the other hand was undertaking strong medical scrutiny of fresh incoming patient and was rejecting admission to those they suspected as Corona infected. Even the slightest indication/symptom invited this attitude from the hospital management. The reason is justified to a great degree as the virus is established to be highly infectious with death rate too high.

With no one to take him to Kolkata, the said man was left to his own devices: until one day a God sent Samaritan appeared and helped the patient get to a reputed hospital in Kolkata. The patient is now recovered and back to his routine life.
But this small incident was an eye opener as how Corona has snatched away the humane in us.
Yes, one must be extra cautious in these times, considering the nature of coronavirus but does this extra cautious means looking the other way when a neighbored or a friend needs help! Do we stop being responsible and sensitive to the society we live in!.
Coronavirus has thrown down a serious challenge to the human race. Country grapples with a severe vaccine shortage. The health workers and other front liners are tirelessly working to pull the nation through the bad times.
Life has slowed down. Offices, schools’, colleges’ activities has now confined to home. “Coronavirus has robbed of the fun of college campus of my boy while marathon online classes in Laptop at home strained the eyes” rued a mother of an under graduate topper student during an informal chat with me the other day. Global economy is also badly shaken. We lost many of our near and dear ones. But nevertheless, over these odds people need to rid their fear, stopped panicking, keep helping attitude.
Yes, Challenges are after all inevitable in life and facing challenges makes us stronger. Certainly, despair is gradually turning into hope as a ray of light is now foreseen with vaccination now being started, albeit slowly. Perhaps vaccination is the best defensive armor to keep Coronavirus at bay.
So guys don’t get morose, cheer up!! . And smile. Remember, there is always light at the end of tunnel.