Farm Bill- 2020 is a frenzy for our nation.

The Indian agriculture act 2020 often referred as the “Farm Bill”, the three acts initiated by the parliament of our country in September 2020. It’s became rage for our country.
Farm Bill
Source- You tube

In 2017, the central government had released the model farming act, where the standing committee an agriculture noted several reforms suggested in the model act that had not been implement by the states, The committee found the law that regulated India agricultural market were not being implemented fairly and honestly or serving the purpose.

These act main motive or instantly is to deminish small market retailers, beneficiary of large corporate sectors, monopoly of association damaging the agricultural sectors of our country.

Farm Bill
Source- Twitter

“khet ke khoon teel kala kanun”- where the three acts which included in the farm bill. The farmers’ produce trade and commerce (promotion and facilitation) act, 2020, farmers(employment and protection) agreement on price assurence and farm services act, 2020, essential commodities ( amendment) act 2020.

The farmers’ produce trade and commerce ( promotion and facilitation) Act, 2020: Is the act of the Indian government that permits intra- state and Inter- state trade of famers’ produce beyond the physical premises of APMC and other market under APMC act. The farmers should allow to sell the agricultural products near market. The government must establish the market .i.e Kisan Mandi at the centre of small town and near to the villages.

Where in this act the government allows schedule farmers’ to use the facility of electronic treading and e-commerce, where each and every farmers will get the assurence of selling the products in market and from that thay can choose the buyers as their own Choice.

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Source- Business insider India

Farmers (empowerment and protection) agreement on price assurence and farm services Act, 2020: In this act they creatss a framework that conduct farming through the agreement between a farmer and a buyer before the production of any farm produces. As in this case if the farmer’s agriculture will destroy then the particular farmer will face a huge problem of looses and even they will try to attempt suiside.

In this act the government does not mentioned about the MSP rate in that particular price, the farmer will sell the agricultural products in the market that creates a huge ill-effects for them as well as for buyers.

Essential commodities (Ammidment) Act,2020: It is an act of the parliament of India that established to ensure the delivery of certain commodities of product,the suply of which,it obstructured due to black marketing, would affect in the normal lifestyle. This includes food stuffs, fuel,drugs etc. As, it is a very squeezy type of things to discurd the essential commodities from the necessity goods or commodities.

It’s creat a huge problem for the common citizens of our country. As government as government thought that if this act will came into existence then the stock holders will being deminished but the government can’t even thought that the stock holder will store the goods and commodities in before hand. Due to the lack of product,the inflation will take place and the common citizen have to face the problem.

The three acts under the farm bill, today during four to five months the farmers from different parts of our country protesting against it. As many intellect from different sectors like sports,polity,film industries etc, also protest against the farm bill, apart from these many intellect from other countries also protest against it. The government of our country does not even take any initiative to pull out any solution for our country.

Source- India express

The farmers are protesting for the rights common people, as the act creates a bad effect for the middle class pleple and for farmers. In this situation the government should pull out a solution in the fever of farmers.

Unemployment became a serious issue in India!!!