In our busy schedule we all should maintain a healthy food habit. Good foods are the root of the healthy lifestyle.

Well, healthy food means it’s not always a food which has no taste and only give us Protine, Vitamins, Fat, etc. A healthy food can also be a tasty one.
Some healthy and tasty foods are like Chicken soup, egg soup, corn soup, omelet, fruit salad etc and many more.
A good food making is very important for children’s health now a days. They don’t eat all types of food. They have their own taste issues or any kind of childish things and stubbornness. So for them we all have to make some different healthy food with taste and benefits.
A good healthy food making in home is not so difficult in our busy life. It takes not more than 30 minutes. A healthy nonveg food with vegetables is always interesting and if we add some more tasty materials in it, then it will be wowed to eat.

Today I will help you to know that how can you make healthy “Egg saucey vegetables pasta” for your child. Here all steps are described below:
- Pasta = 200g
- Egg = 2 ps
- Rice bran oil = 100 ml ( approximately)
- Potato = 1 ps
- Onion = 1 ps
- Carrot = 1 ps ( If you want)
- Capsicum = ½ ps (If you want)
- Pots and pans = Quantitatively
- Salt = Quantitatively
- Pepper gum = Qyantitively
- Water = Quantitatively
- Tomato sauce = Quantitatively
- Chilli sauce = Quantitatively
- The Pan
- Pickaxe
- 1 bowl
- 1 small bowl
- Wicker basket
- Gas Oven
- Piner
- 1 plate
- 1 spoon
- Knife

At first you have to take some water in the pan and pour the 200g pasta in it and let is be boiled properly that the pasta becomes soft to eat.
When the pasta is boiling, let’s cut all the vegetables properly by the knife. And wash those with fresh water.
After 5-10 minutes when the pasta will boiled properly, then pure the whole pan in the wicker basket that boiled water can be removed and the boiled pasta can be stored in the basket .
After that, take the two eggs and cack them into a small bowl.

Pure some salt and pepper gum in the egg and mix it up properly.
After that, take the pan in the gas oven and pure some oil in it. Let 5he oil be warmed properly and then pure the mixture egg in it. And fry it in a mixture process with the pickaxe.
Remember the egg should fry properly.
After that, put the fried egg into the small bowl. Then, in the pan, add some oil and let it warm.
After that, pure all the vegetables in it, add some salt and fri it properly.
*Remember all vegetables should boiled properly also. Just cover it with any equipment. *
After the vegetables are fried then add the boiled pasta in it and then add the fried egg also. Let it be fried for sometime and mix it up by the pickaxe.

Then add some tomato sauce and chilli sauce. Also add some salt and pepper gum in it. Mix it up properly.
After 2 or 3 minutes the “Egg saucey vegetables patsa” will be ready.
Pure it in the plate and take a spoon.
Now let’s see the advantages from this tasty food and why it is healthy?
- From the main material of this food that pasta has the Carbohydrate, Vitamin B12.
- From the vegetables we get carbohydrate, protine, Viramin B12, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Minerals etc.
- From the egg we get protine, fat, vitamin D.
- From the oil we get Fat, vitamin A.
Now you can make the tasty and healthy food for your child.