Mostly this skin care routine and tips are followed by women’s.
Every women used to follow some specific routine for their skin.
From washing their face to moisturising their face, all this thing they used to follow.
Most this grooming and makeup are only for women.
But when it comes about boys skin care routine mostly none of the boys used to follow this.
In our surrounding you will never notice a single boy who used to do something specifically for their skin.
Some people used to believe that this makeup thing is only for girls.
But to be honest skin care routine and makeup to are different things.
Skin care routine should be followed both by girls and boys equally.
Some of the boys doesn’t know how to take care of their skin.
So for them today I am going to share few tips which all the boys should follow regularly.
To be honest if you are going to follow this tips your skin will be mind blowing.
So without doing further more delay let’s start.
1. Use Facewash :

Most of the men or boys used to clean or wash their face using ordinary soap.
Which is not a good idea. As because whenever you are using an ordinary soap you are harming your skin.
So without using a soap try to use facewash whenever you are going to wash your face.
Now this in the market you will get separate facewash, which are specially made for boys.
So start using them, as because ordinary soap has much more rough ingredients Which is harmful for facial skin.
Facewash should be mandatory for those who are working outside.
And not only that they should also wash their face using luke warm water.
They should also use scrub twice a week which will help your skin from pimples.
2. Shaving in a right way :

Boys or mens those used to do shaving everyday they should follow some basic tips.
For example, if you are not shaving in a right way then you may get razor burn or razor bump.
To avoid such problems, single or double blade razors should be used instead of multi-blade razors.
Also you should use moisturising cream instead of ordinary shaving cream.
You can also wash your face after each shaving.
For those whose skin is more sensitive, it is best to change the blade three to five times after shaving and not to use scented after shave.
3. Use sunscreen :

We all know that now a days pollution level has increased a lot.
So to keep your skin healthy you should use sunscreen whenever you are going out.
Not only for the girls it should be also compulsory for the boys too.
As because outside many dirt pollutants are there so it can definitely harm your skin.
To protect your skin from those pollutants you should use sunscreen on a daily basis
Sunscreen that contains Broad-Spectrum, Water-Resistant, SPF 30 should be used.
4. Keep your skin moist :

We all know that whenever our skin starts becoming dry, from that time most of the problems starts coming.
You will notice that most of the skin problems starts occurring when your skin become too dry.
So to cure this problem try to use moisturiser on daily basis. It will not only keep your skin smooth.
It will also help your skin to look much younger.
Best time to use moisturiser is after shower or after shaving.
5. Check the label of the product :

You should always choose the product according to your skin type.
If you are having pimple or acne problem use oil free cleanser and moisturiser.
For sensitive skin should use Gentle, odorless product.
Like womens mens are also having different skin types.
Sensitive, normal, dry, oily or combination skin products should be selected according to the type.
So this are some tips you should regularly to improve your skin health.
What are you waiting for? start it from now.
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