6 Easy Home made natural remedies to have a good and healthy hair growth


Stressed due to immense hairloss? Here are few home made remedies to have a good and healthy hair growth.

Do you want your long, beautiful locks back? Tired of losing precious hair strands on a daily basis? We recommend ditching those high-priced, chemical-laden hair products in favour of natural solutions. Nothing beats taking advantage of what nature has to offer. Keratin is a protein produced in the hair follicles that makes up our hair.

Old hair cells are pushed out through the skin’s surface at a rate of roughly six inches per year as follicles manufacture new hair cells. The visible hair is actually a strand of keratin cells that have died. A fascinating statistic is that the average adult has 100,000 to 150,000 hair strands and loses up to 100 every day. As a result, a few stray hairs on your hairbrush aren’t necessary cause for concern.

(1) Coconut Milk For Natural Hair Development-

According to Dr. Blossom Kochhar, Chairman of the Blossom Kochhar Group of Companies, coconut milk is the most effective therapy for natural hair growth since it is high in iron, potassium, and vital lipids. “Take coconut milk from a fresh coconut,” she recommends as a treatment (do not purchase the coconut milk – take it out meticulously from a fresh coconut). 4 drops essential lavender oil, half a lemon squeezed Mix well and apply to your scalp, leaving it on for 4-5 hours before rinsing.

(2) Apple Cider Vinegar-

This vinegar cleanses the scalp gently and preserves the pH balance of the hair, promoting hair development. Start by diluting the solution by adding 75 mL to one litre of water for a larger batch or 15 mL to a cup of warm filtered water for a smaller batch. After you’ve washed your hair, apply this solution as a final rinse. This will also add gloss to your hair and help it grow faster. These hair growth home cures are certain to please you.

(3) Home made Egg Hair Mask –

For fast and natural hair growth, this home remedy is utilised all over the world. Eggs, as we all know, have a high protein content that aids in the growth of new hair. Sulphur, zinc, iron, selenium, phosphorus, and iodine are all abundant in this mineral. To make the egg mask, whisk together one egg white with one teaspoon olive oil (you may also use grape seed or lavender oil) and honey in a bowl. Make a paste with it and apply it for 20 minutes to your hair and scalp. Using lukewarm water and shampoo, rinse it off. Quick tip: Egg masks can help you get a healthy and beautiful complexion.

(4) Amla –

Amla (Indian Gooseberry) is a nutrient-dense fruit. It is high in Vitamin C, which promotes hair development. Simply combine 2 teaspoons amla powder or juice with equal quantities lime juice and set aside to dry. Rinse it thoroughly with warm water. It will also keep your hair from becoming discoloured.

(5) Green Tea –

For those used tea bags that you toss away on a daily basis, you now have the ideal answer. Green tea, as you may know, is high in antioxidants, which aid in hair growth and prevent hair loss. Apply warm green tea on your scalp (from the used tea bags) and keep it on for an hour. It should be washed away with cool water.

(6) Fenugreek –

This herb has long been used to treat hair growth issues. It contains proteins and nicotinic acid, and protein-rich diets have been shown to promote hair growth stimulation. In a grinder, combine a tablespoon of this herb with water until a smooth paste forms. Apply a small amount of coconut oil (or milk) on your hair and scalp for half an hour. Use a gentle shampoo to remove it. It is without a doubt one of the most effective hair growth strategies. This cure will not only promote hair development, but it will also protect your hair’s natural colour.