I was only three years old when I first visited the Konark Sun Temple in Orissa. I was startled when I first realize that the temple does not worship any idol. Even though there is an idol of the Suryadeb on the outside of the temple yet it is not worshipped. It is being told that the idol put there, beatifies the temple, not a single priest will be at sight. I found this temple especial seeing that this particular temple worships the hours of the day as if it is trying to show me the inevitability of time. That time waits for no one, not even for the mightiest.

The temple is 35 km from the city of Puri. This hieron was built during the eastern Ganga Dynasty by the great King Narasimhadeva I in the year 1250 CE. The temple embraces its gigantic 12 wheels and overall, it makes one think of a chariot. The main deity of the temple was the Sun God or SURYADEVA. The temple reveals the Kalinga style of architecture, a parameter of the nagara style.
The most distinctive detail about this monument states that it was built from a single piece of rock. This gets me thinking about the level of battle, training, accomplishment required for one to built this epic from scratch in a time when tools were less than few.
The temple is curved into different figures that portrays the era in which it was built. The figures resembles dancing and singing which indicates their involvement in kama or sensual desire. The most important of all is the The Wheel of the Konark.

The temple is built in a form of a chariot with 24 such wheels that are run by 7 horses. There are many appreciations made by different archeologists about the significance of the wheel, but the most popular of all states that the seven horses pictures the seven days of the week whereas the 12 pair of wheels signifies the 12 months of the years and the individual 24 wheels portrays the 24 hours in a day.
The sculptures also portrays the King in his different attires. There are pieces showing his skills as a scholar, a great archer, and a religious enthusiast. There are also sculptures of mythical beings , flowers, birds and animals.
The Gajasimha:

In most Oriya architecture we find two figures of lion in the entrance. It is obvious that the Konark temple also has two stupendous Lions (GAJASIMHA) a its entrance that resembles the power, a treaty of Goddess Durga. The elephants below the lion symbolises wealth and pride.
Legends say the monument many other significance.
The temple was often called the black pagoda by the men of the sea for its unique tendency of pulling ships into the shore which would later cause a shipwreak.
The Konark temple that we see today are the ruins of the original, authentic temple. The cause of destruction is still unclear. Some day it was an earthquake while others say that invaders took the destruction in their hands.
The monument was reserved as a UNESCO heritage site in 1984.
The main reason for building this enormous magnifying piece of rock is to understand the time of the day. I consider it unique beacuse of the thought that someone build this temple, a place of worship just to find out time. Hence time is holy, divine and sanctified. It is time that pulls us up or to stop us down.
Light and sound show:
The Konark temple has a couple of entertainment activity. One of which is the light and sound show. If one want to get an idea about how incredible it is then the next segment is for you.
- First show: 6,30 pm to 7.10 pm
- Second show:7.30pm to 8.10pm
- Price of ticket: Rs. 50.00