Nation is ready to welcome Digital bank !! The crypto currency...

This good news was found at the very beginning of the year! Crypto Bank Unicus, a joint venture between Casa and the United Multistate...

COVID-19: It’s still going on!!! “Before too late, buy a new...

The Covid19 pandemic has almost bought the whole world to a standstill. This pandemic has taught the majority of the population, how it feels...

Pubg Mobile Game Ban: Reasons leading to the 1st ever Pubg...

Pubg (Players Unknown's Battle Ground) is an online mobile game developed originally by a Korean video game company known as Bluehole. It was originally...

Lockdown 2020 V. Lockdown 2021. Know the great differences and similarities!

Last year, in the month of March, the government of India declared a complete lockdown to sustain the spread of the Corona virus. While...

Nearly 3,000 Doctors resign in Madhya Pradesh refusing to work under...

Circumstances so harsh that it forces 3,000 Doctors to go on a strike amidst a deadly pandemic.  There is no doubt that even though unsung,...

New Normal of Hotels and Hospitality Sector, Post Lockdown !!

Rules and Regulation in New Normal The Security departments will have to carry on with thermal scanning for guests and staff at all points of...

Life of Kashmiris through The Kashmir Conflict.

The Kashmir conflict is a territorial conflict largely between India and Pakistan over the Kashmir area, with China as a third party. The conflict...

June 20, World Refugee Day:- Find out it’s history and impact!!

Every year, June 20 is devoted to bringing issues to light of the circumstance of refugees all through the world. As a rule, a refugee...

World Refugee Day as celebrated in June every year.

Every year, June twenty is dedicated to conveyance problems to the light of the circumstance of refuge throughout the globe.As a rule, an exile...

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